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Chats w/ Friends: Gold, Silver & Gold Miners

April 12, 2020

We're all stuck at home these days and Zoom is how we get to hang out with friends and family.

This week I was chatting with my pal Jeremy over in Laguna Beach about Gold, Silver and Gold Mining Stocks.

I think there are some good opportunities in the space and I think there are areas in which to be patient.

Here's a short video of our discussion:

All Star Charts Premium

Weekly Performance Recap (04-09-2020)

April 11, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Every weekend we publish simple performance tables for a variety of different asset classes and categories along with brief commentary on each.

As this is something we do internally on a daily basis, we believe sharing it with clients will add value and help them better understand our top-down approach. We use these tables to provide insight into both relative strength and market internals.

This week we want to highlight our US Equity Index and Factor tables, as they are both showing near-term reversions in some of the most robust long-term intermarket trends.

Click on table to enlarge view.

This week we saw Mid (MDY), Small (IWM) and Micro-Caps (IWC) outperform the Large-Cap Indexes. If you look at the 1 and 3-month change data, you will notice this was a real divergence from the current trends across market-cap segments. In fact, Large-Caps have been outperforming their...

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Relative Strength From A Rare Group Of REITs

April 10, 2020

Yesterday we published a post titled "The Reality Regarding Real Estate" in which we pointed out the long-term underperformance of REITs as a sector. And although we see no signs of this trend reversing any time soon, when we dug into the space we couldn't help but notice a select group of stocks outperforming not just Real Estate, but the broader market as well.

In this post, we will illustrate the relentless strength from this niche group of Data-Center and Cell-Tower REITs and offer two trade ideas in the space.

We also wrote a post lately in which we filtered the S&P 500 down to just 32 of its strongest performers based on a variety of metrics. Despite the weakness from Real Estate as a whole, five of the stocks on that list are actually components in our All Star Charts Custom Data-Center & Cell-Tower REIT Index.

The Reality Regarding Real Estate

April 9, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Thanks to everyone for participating in this week’s Mystery Chart. The vast majority of respondents were either sellers or wanted nothing to do with this messy mess of a chart. Some of our less risk-averse participants were willing to bet on a failed breakdown and buy a reversal back above the recent lows.

In our opinion, this is the definition of a structural downtrend and there is very little evidence to suggest that will change anytime soon. With that as our backdrop let's discuss why this chart is on our radar right now.

This is a weekly line chart of Real Estate (IYR) vs the S&P 500 (SPY) looking back about 20-years.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Being Selective... But Still Buying These Stocks

April 9, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

In our Table Of The Week, we highlighted some of the strongest stocks in the S&P 500 right now. We showed statistical evidence that these stocks have not only performed better over the long-run, but they've also suffered smaller drawdowns in the near-term.

Despite remaining skeptical of what is still a bear market rally in our opinion, there are always opportunities on the long side, we just need to pick our spots carefully and respect our risk management levels. In this post, we're going to outline trade setups in what we believe are some of the most robust uptrends still in place.

If the market moves higher from here, these stocks should continue to exhibit leadership. If it rolls over, they should hold up better than the average stock and our risk will be well-defined to ensure minimal losses in the case we're wrong.

[Table Of The Week] Opportunities For An Uncertain Environment

April 9, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

If you read our research regularly you may be sick of this by now, so my apologies. But there is a method to our madness. A tried and true repeatable process that allows us to consistently identify the strongest and weakest areas of the market. Any market. While we've focused mainly on US Equities recently, we can apply these same principles to any asset class.

We have continually highlighted the fact that the long-term outperformers are often also the short-term leaders. Why? Because there is empirical evidence to support this and we know it works. I'll be writing an educational post about this soon.

We've also written a lot lately about how one of the main signals we're looking for before turning bullish on stocks is for the percent of NYSE components to break back above 15%. Well, we're still not really close, but with such drastic daily swings in the major indexes, this could change fast so we want to be ready if and when it does.

The 10-Month Moving Average Strategy

April 8, 2020

Earlier this week, I put out a note about what I've been telling friends and family when they come asking. It comes with the territory right? I'm sure many of you are being sought after in similar ways. It makes sense for this environment.

But the truth is, I underestimated just how much this post would resonate with people. So much so, that I figured I'd write a follow up about another popular, yet simple strategy that I learned a long time ago.

To recap, what the Family & Friends post was about, was the percentage of stocks on the NYSE above their 200 day moving average. Historically, it's when we're above 15% and rising that it makes the most sense to own stocks. When we're below that, it's further evidence that stocks are a mess.

The reason I like it is because it's a very infrequent signal, only helpful after severe corrections, and it's free for anyone to follow. What more can you ask for to give your loved ones an inside look...

Chart Summit Podcasts: JC & Jay Woods, NYSE Floor Governor

April 8, 2020

A couple of weekends ago, I had the privilege of hosting Chart Summit 2020, an online virtual Technical Analysis conference. We had over 30 presentations, 10,000 attendees and raised a ton of money to help the people who need it most right now. A great part about the whole thing is, not only all the fun we had, but how much we all learned!

I'm so excited about it that we decided to turn my conversation with Jay Woods into a podcast episode, so you can listen to it on the go. Jay is a good friend and currently a Floor Governor of the New York Stock Exchange. It's one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and it represents so much. Jay is an ambassador for everything it stands for. In this conversation, Jay walks us though exactly what's going on in the minds of all the traders and market makers that are used to spending their days on the floor of the exchange. These are some interesting times. I...

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Industrious Downside Bet

April 8, 2020

Just a couple weeks ago, we put on a delta neutral credit spread in the Industrials $XLI to take advantage of pumped up volatility. That trade worked out quickly and we got out of it at our price target on Monday of this week. One for the good guys.

Now, $XLI is bumping up against some formidable upside resistance. And with options premiums still elevated, we're going to use them to leverage into a bearish directional bet here.