Tuesday's Mystery Chart is one of my favorite charts right now, so thank you all for your feedback and participation.
Almost every one of you said you were selling the stock in question as it put in a failed breakout, while a handful of you were doing nothing and buying the subsequent breakout with me.
This week I've seen a chart of High Yield relative to Investment Grade Bonds floating around with various conclusions, but I wanted to use this to highlight some things to consider when using Bond ETFs as a proxy for what's happening in the market it's meant to track.
For those new to the exercise, we take a chart of interest and remove the x/y-axes and any other labels that would help identify it. The chart can be any security in any asset class on any timeframe on an absolute or relative basis. Maybe it's a custom index or inverted, who knows!
We do all this to put aside the biases we have associated with this specific security/the market and come to a conclusion based solely on price.
You can guess what it is if you must, but the real value comes from sharing what you would do right now.Buy,Sell, or Do Nothing?
Last week we wrote a post for our US subscribers to highlight several "big bases" that we are watching for potential breakouts.
The principles surrounding why we like "big bases" can be applied to Indian stocks as well, so we wanted to write a quick post outlining our logic and providing examples that may become actionable in the near future.
Tuesday's Mystery Chart is one of my favorite charts right now, so thank you all for your feedback and participation.
I received a lot of answers, but I'd say 1/3 of you were buying a breakout, 1/3 were fading this strength, and the last 1/3 were yawning and off to find something more exciting.
Last night was our Members-Only Conference Call where we discussed the major themes we're seeing across asset classes.
A big theme was the lack of direction within Equities and last month's failed breakout to new highs in the US as we "catch down" to some of the weakness we're seeing globally.
As a result, today I want to revisit an exercise I performed in late May when the environment was pretty similar to today...and that was to look for stocks with "big bases."
For those new to the exercise, we take a chart of interest and remove the x/y-axes and any other labels that would help identify it. The chart can be any security in any asset class on any timeframe on an absolute or relative basis. Maybe it's a custom index or inverted, who knows!
We do all this to put aside the biases we have associated with this specific security/the market and come to a conclusion based solely on price.
You can guess what it is if you must, but the real value comes from sharing what you would do right now.Buy,Sell, or Do Nothing?
Since not a lot has changed at the TSX Composite or TSX 60 level, we want to take another look two months later to see what's developed under the surface and where there are opportunities to profit.