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All Star Options

[Options Premium] It Comes For Them All!

June 17, 2022

Taking losses is never fun. But it's the most important thing we do.

I wish it were different. I wish smart risk management was an exciting endeavor that made us happy. The kind of thing that makes us want to high-five our friends and adoring fans.

Unfortunately, it's more like that menial task that you have to do over and over again, hating every minute of it, but knowing it just has to be done (like the doing the dishes or laundry).



Fintech CEOs Report Inside Purchases

June 17, 2022

William Griffith, director of Procore Technologies $PCOR, reported an additional purchase of roughly $7 million, as he continues to build his position in the stock.

Under Iconiq Strategic Partners II, he now owns about 44 million shares for a total ownership interest of 33%.

Global Market Losing its Brea(d)th

June 17, 2022

Time and again, we've been referring to how Nifty50 has been displaying more resilience compared to its international counterparts. While the Indian markets have come under heavy pressure this week, global markets have been reeling under that pressure for longer.

So today, we're here to provide a perspective of where the global indices are, just to get an idea of the kind of market environment we're in.

All Star Charts Crypto

Our List of Crypto ETFs

June 16, 2022

It can be hard for traditional investors to gain appropriate exposure to crypto. There are many hurdles to jump and hoops to clear.

The Bitcoin futures ETF, launched late last year, is a step in the right direction. But isn't a perfect solution. Over time, futures ETFs are incredibly expensive, as the fund provider has to constantly roll over the contracts.

In an ideal world, US investors would have a Bitcoin spot ETF, which, of course, does not yet exist.

Another possibility is to skip the Bitcoin/cryptocurrency exposure and invest in crypto-related companies. That's certainly a viable solution.

From our work, we've found MicroStrategy $MSTR is, by far, the most fitting vehicle for those looking to gain exposure to Bitcoin via a traditional stock.

Other stocks, like mining and banking names, have their own idiosyncratic risks and drivers beyond crypto trends, making them less-than-ideal solutions for those seeking exposure solely to cryptocurrencies.

But beyond this is yet another solution.

How about crypto equity ETFs?

US investors have a few choices at their disposal...

Breadth Thrusts & Bread Crusts: Rookie Mistakes

June 16, 2022

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Last week, it was cool and rainy in Milwaukee. This week, it's been sunny and sweltering (with a few thunderstorms thrown in as well). Summer has definitely arrived as we approach the solstice and max daylight in the Northern Hemisphere.

With the heat we’ve had this week (several days in the 90s pushed our greenhouse temperatures to at least 120, which is as high as our thermometer measures), I've been sure to water the garden early and often.

Below Overhead Supply

June 16, 2022

We give them fancy names like Bear Markets or Downtrends.

But all it really means is that the price of an asset is below overhead supply.

As investors, it's important to know that there are sellers at higher prices waiting to sell to you if/when given the opportunity.

While there are an infinite number of examples in the current market environment, the S&P500 offers a clean look at exactly this: