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All Star Charts Premium

Commodities Conserve Energy

December 23, 2021

From the desk of Steven Strazza @Sstrazza and Ian Culley @Ianculley    

As we approach year-end, we're diving into the individual commodity groups to gauge the status of the primary trends and to get a better idea of where we’re likely headed in 2022. 

Last week, we highlighted precious metals -- by far the worst performers of 2021 with a -10.59% return thus far. We think there's a good chance they'll turn things around next year and start participating.

Today, we’re going to review the other end of the spectrum in terms of performance -- energy! 

While base metals and ags have posted strong gains over the trailing 12-months -- 25.96% and 28.22% respectively -- energy has been the real leader, quietly printing a 46.33% gain despite recent selling pressure.

After crude oil collapsed below zero last year, the entire group had its work cut out. But they’ve covered an amazing amount of ground in a short period of time, and we think they have further to go.

Let’s take a look at what’s happening in this leadership group and how we want to position ourselves as we...

All Star Charts Premium

International Hall of Famers (12-23-2021)

December 23, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Our International Hall of Famers list is composed of the 50 largest US-listed international stocks, or ADRs. We’ve also sprinkled in some of the largest ADRs from countries that did not make the market-cap cut. 

These stocks range from some well-known mega-cap multinationals such as Toyota Motor and Royal Dutch Shell to some large-cap global disruptors such as Sea Ltd and Shopify.

It’s got all the big names and more -- but only those that are based outside the US. You can find all the largest US stocks on our original Hall of Famers list.

The beauty of these scans is really in their simplicity.

We take the 50 largest names each week and then apply technical filters in a way that the strongest stocks with the most momentum rise to the top.

Based on the market environment, we can also flip the scan on its head and filter for weakness.

Let’s dive in and take a look at some of the most important stocks from around the world.

Here’s this week’s list:


The All Star Momentum Scan

December 23, 2021

We debuted a new scan recently which goes by the name- All Star Momentum.

All Star Momentum is a brand new scan that pinpoints the very best stocks in the market. This time around, we have incorporated our stock universe of Nifty 500 as the base. Among the 500 stocks that we follow, this scan will pump out names that are most likely to generate great returns.

While we go through our lists of sectors and stocks on a weekly basis, we thought of launching a product that would highlight the names that are the strongest performers in our universe and those that are primed for an explosive move.

Just like The Outperformers scan, this is a list of stocks belonging to the sectors that display relative strength in the market at any given point in time. Since sector rotation is the lifeblood of a bull market, we will be ahead of the curve before the gears keep shifting.

[Podcast] FICC Analysis for 2022 With Paul Ciana

December 23, 2021

It's always fun having Paul Ciana on the podcast. You guys familiar with the show have already heard some our conversations over the years. They're always insightful, and he always gets me thinking.

While here at we approach the world through the lens of an equities investor, and use other asset classes as a supplement, Paul does the exact opposite. His days both begin and end with the study of fixed-income markets, commodities, and currencies. Paul is the Chief Global FICC Technical Strategist at Bank of America.

In this episode, we dive right into it starting with the US dollar, gold, crude oil, and the most important currency crosses for stock market investors to focus on.

We covered a lot in a very short period. Interested in where rates are going? We cover it. Lumber? Yup! Agriculture? Definitely. Precious metals? How could we not?

You won't want to miss this one!


All Star Charts Premium,
2 to 100 Club

2 to 100 Club (12-22-2021)

December 23, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Welcome to the 2 to 100 Club.

As many of you know, something we've been working on internally is using various bottom-up tools and scans to complement our top-down approach. It's really been working for us!

One way we're doing this is by identifying the strongest growth stocks as they climb the market-cap ladder from small- to mid- to large- and, ultimately, to mega-cap status (over $200B).

Once they graduate from small-cap to mid-cap status (over $2B), they come on our radar. Likewise, when they surpass the roughly $30B mark, they roll off our list.

But the scan doesn't just end there. We only want to look at the strongest growth industries in the market, as that is typically where these potential 50-baggers come from.

Some of the best performers in recent decades – stocks like Priceline, Amazon, Netflix, Salesforce, and myriad others – would have been on this list at...

All Star Charts Premium

Global Yields Weigh In

December 22, 2021

From the desk of Steven Strazza @Sstrazza and Ian Culley @IanCulley

Our focus has been on US Treasury yields in recent months – and for good reason. 

The 30-year yield recently undercut its summer lows, and the 10-year yield briefly lost the critical 1.40 level. Both have since recovered. But these crucial rates remain stuck in the same messy ranges that have defined most of 2021. 

Given the lack of decisive action in domestic yields, we think it's a good time to check in on the overseas bond markets in hopes of gleaning some insight into the potential direction of yields outside the US.

In today’s post, we’re going to switch things up and take a look at the 10-year yields from other major developed countries.

Let’s start with the European financial behemoth, Germany:Like much of the developed world, Germany’s 10-year yield has been in the process of carving out a bottom for the past two years.

Though the current rate may...

[PLUS] Weekly Sentiment Report

December 22, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Key Takeaway: The sentiment backdrop is more characterized by a lack of optimism than widespread pessimism. This is in sharp contrast to the experiences of December 2020 and 2019. In those instances, too much holiday cheer led to hangovers in the year that followed (don’t forget, new highs peaked early in 2021 and many areas have been a sideways mess for months now). The current sentiment backdrop is not dissimilar to (though less extreme than) what was experienced in December 2018. Intense selling that month had investors thinking more about the Grinch than Santa Claus. While probably won’t get widespread pessimism this time around without further volatility - but if we do and investors throw in the towel on stocks, it could ultimately help light a fire that leads to early year breadth thrusts like what we experienced in early 2019.

Sentiment Report Chart of the Week: Households Are Loaded Up On Equities

Quarterly data from the Federal Reserve shows that asset...

[Options] Leaning into the Recent Low in $TSLA

December 22, 2021

What a difference a few days makes, eh?

On Monday morning, if you were on twitter or watching the teevee you'd have assumed the stock market was about to get cut in half and the pitchforks were going to be lining up outside the Federal Reserve building in Washington, D.C.

Then, the market did what the market does and now here we are with the S&P 500 looking like it wants to make another run at all-time highs.

Forget about market volatility --- how about trader's emotional volatility?!

With this in mind, there is still some nice options premium being priced into individual names that offer us some unique tactical opportunities for some quick gains.