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[Video] JC & Howard Lindzon: What's NOT a Tech Stock at this point?

December 22, 2020

This week Howard and I discuss what "Technology" actually means. With companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook representing ZERO PERCENT of the Technology Index, people continue to group them into Tech regardless.

Is that right? Should we ignore Dow Jones and their weightings? Or is it important to acknowledge which stocks are in these indexes and which ones aren't?

When asked about underperformance from Europe and Emerging Markets, Howard says "I filter the world to only see what's working. I'm all about investing for profit and joy, not misery and pain"

This was a fun chat.

Here's the video in full:

Fresh Breakouts In Titan & Havells

December 22, 2020

We've liked the Consumer Durables space for several months now and the sector is finally accelerating to the upside in December.

Today we're highlighting major breakouts in two of the sector's top names, Havells and Titan.

Let's get into the charts and how we're trading them.

All Star Charts Premium

RPP Report: Review. Preview. Profit. (12-18-2020)

December 21, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza and Louis Sykes @haumicharts

At the beginning of each week, we publish performance tables for a variety of different asset classes and categories along with commentary on each.

Looking at the past helps put the future into context. In this post, we review the absolute and relative trends at play and preview some of the things we’re watching in order to profit in the weeks and months ahead.

We continue to pound the table on leadership down the market-cap scale. There's been strong evidence over the past few weeks/months suggesting this is a structural trend reversal in the large vs small-cap ratio.

Many key indexes - both large and small, sit at crucial inflection points. Many of the small and mid-cap indexes are also extended and sporting extreme momentum readings, making for a logical level for sellers to step in.

It would be a healthy development for SMIDs to take a breather here and pass the baton back to large-caps for a bit.


All Star Options

[Options Premium] A Crisp 200-Dollar Roll

December 21, 2020

Many of you know that one of my favorite bullish setups is a stock making new all-time highs, with $100 per share within our sights. So many times stocks are attracted to that big round psychological number. It doesn't make any sense (like stocks rallying on the announcement of a stock split), but we don't care. It's something we've observed time and again and betting on a stock getting there is practically money in the bank.

While $100/share is typically where we see this behavior, the same principle holds when a stocks approaches $200, $300, $400, etc.

With this in mind, a stock mentioned in recent Under the Hood report is finally popping today and we're getting involved.






Things Investors Don't Buy In Bear Markets

December 20, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Last week's Mystery Chart was the Uranium ETF $URA zoomed all the way out to its inception and inverted.

I really hate to do that to you guys, but someone actually guessed it!

More importantly, though, most of you were selling the chart... so buying the Uranium ETF. Yes, you heard that right... buying Uranium.

In this post, we analyze a handful of other rarely covered and lesser-known risk-assets - but first, let's look at Uranium.

Iron Ore hits 7-year highs, Why should we care?

December 19, 2020

For months now, we've been pointing to the fact that metals are doing great. It's just that Gold isn't one of them.

Base metals are where the smart money has been flowing. Copper has been hitting the highest levels since 2013 and absolutely embarrassing the performance of its precious metals counterpart, Gold which has not been so golden.

Copper outperforming Gold is consistent with higher Interest Rates, and we've been getting those too.

More specific to Base Metals on an absolute basis, the positive correlation with Emerging Market Stocks is off the charts. Here is Iron Ore making new 7-year highs overlaid with the Emerging Markets Index so you can see how closely they trade together:

The Best Of Our New Breadth Chartbook

December 19, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza 

We just published our brand new, revised and expanded, breadth chartbook. Premium Members can check it out here.

We had over 250 charts in our internal chartbook, but cut it down to about half of that so it's not a marathon to get through.

We cover breadth indicators from percent overbought/oversold to new highs and lows, A/D lines, and more. We do this for all the major averages as well as sector indexes.

After digging through all these charts, we'd be remiss not to share some of our favorites with you. We'll go over some in this post.

Top/Down Take: Bajaj Finance (BAJFINANCE)

December 19, 2020

Here we go with another round of our Top-Down Take weekly post. At All Star Charts we like to keep things simple and look at the bigger picture. We let the charts speak to us and then decide what to do. Always remember, the Trend is our Friend.

Today we’ll take a popular pick – Bajaj Finance - and see what what the chart has to say at current levels.