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Healthcare Breaks Out To All-time Highs

August 15, 2020

Healthcare stocks are breaking out to their highest levels in history. This isn't something where we're waiting for them to recover. We're betting that this is actually just the beginning. Healthcare stocks are going a lot higher if the S&P500 is going to 4000. That's the bet we're making.

Here is the Healthcare Index Fund $XLV closing at back-to-back all-time highs the past 2 weeks. I think there's another 14% if upside from here:

All Star Charts Premium

Under The Hood (08-14-2020)

August 14, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza.

Welcome to this week's edition of "Under The Hood." You can read more about the column here.

What we do is analyze the most popular Robinhood stocks over the trailing week and find opportunities to either join in and ride these momentum names higher, or fade the crowd and bet against them.

We have some new additions coming for how we generate the list of most popular names, which we'll explain more each week as we add new data sets. This is a really exciting time for us. There are so many new data sources popping up so it's really just our responsibility to organize it to where it only tells us exactly what we want: An unusual increased level of interest for an asset.

Relatively speaking, it was an uneventful week for the overall market. The S&P 500 did a dead stop at its former highs and has been trading in a tight range since. However, the reason we do this type of bottoms/up work is because there is always plenty going on beneath the surface in individual stocks. So let's...

All Star Charts Premium

Telecom Stocks Party Like It's... 2020

August 13, 2020

Last night we held a Happy Hour With Traders and discussed market internals and breadth with some of the best Technicians in the business. We focused mainly on the more popular aggregate breadth indicators such as the percentage of new highs and lows, the percentage of stocks above the 200-day, and so on.

We also talked a bit about our process for analyzing breadth on a more granular level, which is simply by looking at our universe of indexes, sectors, industry groups, and individual stocks each week. When we run our scans and look at the individual charts themselves, we continue to see a higher number of new highs and bullish momentum characteristics.

This is evidence of improving breadth.

This week's Mystery Chart was one of the latest Industry Groups we noticed making fresh all-time highs. In this post, we'll discuss the chart and offer some trade ideas in some of the groups' strongest components.

Interestingly, while this week's chart was quite similar to others we've used recently - a base breakout to fresh highs with strong momentum characteristics and well-...

Media Appearance: Sector Rotation Supports S&P500 To 4000

August 13, 2020

It's always fun chatting with Catherine over at BNN Bloomberg. She has the uncanny ability of getting me on her show just at the right time! In February, I explained very clearly why we were raising cash (the week before the biggest market crash ever), and then in early July I was screaming on television to buy stocks aggressively, just before a slew of new sectors started breaking out to the upside.

Today, I have a similar bullish view. This is a market that is rewarding us for buying stocks. That's the bottom line. And we don't see any evidence of that changing yet. Catherine also asked me about the Bond Market and I explained why I think rates go higher.

We like the have fun with these. Life is short. I hope you enjoy it!

The Difference Between Treading Water and Making Big Money

August 13, 2020

I shared this tweet today which was a quote from author James Clear of the awesome book Atomic Habits:

How to achieve exceptional results:

1) Quantity: You take lots of shots.

2) Quality: You take thoughtful shots.

3) Consistency: You keep shooting for a long time.

4) Feedback. You take better shots over time.

5) Luck: You get a few favorable bounces.​"


— Sean McLaughlin, NLD 📈 (@chicagosean) August 13, 2020

... and it dovetails nicely with a discussion I had with one of my All Star Options clients recently.

Is Energy Sector Participation Broadening Out?

August 13, 2020

Given many of the Equity indices in India are heavily concentrated, it can be difficult to identify what's really happening in a specific sector or industry group just by looking at the Nifty sector/thematic indexes.

The best example of this is Nifty Energy, where Reliance makes up a massive 37% of the weighting.

One way our process has adapted to overcome this issue is by using custom Equally-Weighted Indexes to identify the real trends occurring in these areas of the market.

Today, we're going to look at an Equally-Weighted Index to identify what's happening in the Energy sector and how we're taking advantage of it.

[Video] "What The FICC?" Episode 2

August 13, 2020

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

The Fixed Income, Commodity, and Currency markets are near and dear to my heart. Ever since I began learning Technical Analysis, I've always loved analyzing things that are "off the beaten path." This included everything from Interest Rates to Soybeans to the Norwegian Krone. Equities are great and all, but this is the stuff that gets me up in the morning.

In addition to the blog posts we do on the site, I've wanted to explore new ways to share that passion with you all and show why even if you're not investing in these markets directly, they're worth paying attention to.

That brings us to my new weekly show, "What The FICC?"

In this weekly video series, I'll be highlighting the most important chart or theme from these three asset classes while doing my best to tie that analysis back to Equities through an intermarket signal or a trade idea.

This week's episode is linked below, enjoy!

[Chart of The Week] The Coming EUR/INR Breakout Retest

August 12, 2020

There has been a lot of action in the Commodity, Currency, and Fixed Income space over the last few months and we've been taking advantage.

Yesterday we spoke about the intermarket signals we're deriving from Interest Rates and last week we spoke about what we were seeing in the Gold/Silver and Natural Gas Markets.

Today, we want to take a look at a key retest that's about to occur in Euro/Rupee and revisit a few setups we've spoken about in the past that are approaching actionable levels.

Here's the Euro/Rupee post that sparked the need for this post. Two weeks ago we wrote about the notable breakout here (and breakdown in Rupees), but the Euro was the only pair to see any follow-through. Now that prices are pulling back, we want to see if this coming breakout retest is successful.

Click on chart to enlarge view. 
